Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Monday Capital Casino 5/11. Hero lay down?

4/8Kill = -90
6/12 = +130
Total +40

Well I was bored and decided to go back to cap knowing I won't be able to play for a while after this trip. I got into a crazy 4/8 game. Never had much hands hold and when I got called over to the 612 game I was down. I played pretty standard but couldn't get any hands to hold.

But once on the 6/12 my hands were holding. Two hands to talk about really. First hand Q10 hearts on the sb. Super aggro player running hot raise like usual about 5 players to the flop. Flop comes 2J9 rainbow with one heart. I check and it goes bb bets, call, fold, aggro raise, I reraise bb caps it all call. Turn was 5 heart giving me the flush and straight draw. I bet out call fold aggro says I got a flush draw I raise. This is where I not sure to 3bet or call because I'm still not beating anything. I called bbcalls. River was 8clubs giving me the nut straight. I lead out bb calls and aggro says I fold my pocket kk which I knew was a lie. I showed and took down a nice pot.

OK after a hour on the 6/12 game i was getting hungry and i text the santi to see if he wanted to go and eat before he goes into work. He says to meet at the usual spot at 8:20, I decided 8:00 would be a perfect time to leave. Pretty much the table gone fishing against the one spew tard that raising every hand but is some how holding up with any two cards that he plays. At this point I have 2 racks and a stack and a half in front of me. It was my last hand and Tim was dealing. I'm under the gun and i looked down to see two red Kings, I looked at Tim and thought what a punk he give me this of all hands on a kill pot and this was my last hand i was planning on playing. So i limped in and it goes call, call, fold, maniac raise (which i knew he was going to since he raise every hand for like the last 10 hands) Hot Asian momma I forget her name again ( I'm thinking Emily) Raj fold, sb fold, bb folds, back to me i raise, call, call, manic caps it, Emily calls and we all call. Flop comes 10s, 2s, 3d. I'm first to act and I lead out, call, call, manic raise, Emily call, I reraise, call, call, maniac caps, Emily call, everyone else call. I'm thinking i know i have the best hand i need to dodge a spade. Turn comes qs. The flush gets there and i am disgusted I am thinking all i can do know is just call down. I check, check, check, maniac bets and Emily raises. I looked at Emily and stare at her knowing she can make this play, trying to represent that she has the flush. As I stared at her she just did a quick head nod to me which i never seen her do before to me. Pretty much indicating to me to lay it down that she has the best hand even though she must put me on a monster hand like Aces or kings. I just shake my head and fold Tim takes my card and shakes at me pretty much telling me good lay down. I decided to stay and see how this ends up. It gets called and called by the next two players and maniac calls. River was Kc hitting my set, but the flush is out there and also two goofy straights like AJ or J9. I'm thinking well its a good lay down no way i am good. The betting goes check, check, maniac checks, Emily bets, call call and maniac folds and says i am laying down my aces and just show one ace only. Emily flips her card and show pocket 2 for a flop set i was shit out surprised. I looked at the next two players that called thinking one of them must have hit their flush!!!! But they both folded. All i could do was smile and walk away in tears. Just knowing I made the right fold. I just would have just happen to have hit my one outer because a Kspade would have been no good to me either way. Emily played it perfect and she hit her perfect card that she needed to on the flop. SICKNESS in my opinion calling 24 chips with pocket 2. But it paid off for her. So i left that game up 40 for the trip when before that hand I was up +130 or so.

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