Friday, July 20, 2007

No One To Blame but my self.

I keep rethinking about what had happen...... All i can say is that it could have been prevented. If I was smart enough I would have waited till the river card came and for him to show his cards. Since i called him he would have had to show his cards first. I dont know..... if he wasnt since a dumbass and knew about the jackpot all he had to do was place his card down face up and said nice hand..... Or if He really didnt know about the bad beat and just thought oh i got caught bluffing with my qq and he has quads and muck his hand with out ever showing us all his cards this would have never happen. I would have never knew he had qq and i would not be so damn worked up. All i know is this was a once in a lifetime chance.... IF I WAS ONLY SMARTER I WOULD HAVE JUST WAITED TO SEE HIS CARDS FIRST. Stupid me....

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